Saturday 18 August 2012

Battle of Ziegenfeldt (4) - fighting intensifies...

The contest for the farm continues, the Wittenberg Jagers are pressing the defenders hard ...
and they succeed, the defenders are pushed out ...
On the other flank the Saxe-Jarlsberg dragoons lose the melee and rout ....
The Saxe-Jarlsberg hussars pile in and hold back the triumphant lancers ....
The Saxe-Jarlsberg infantry have started their advance ....
The Wittenberg jagers press on and engage the defenders who are falling back; a reserve detachment of garrison troops has been sent to try and take back the farm ...
The Saxe-Jarlsberg infantry are manouvring into position ...
The Wittenberg jagers seem unstoppable and attack the garrison troops..
Meanwhile on the other flank, the Saxe-Jarlsberg hussars are holding their ground against the lancers ...(the Wittenberg dragoons await the result of the melee...)

to be continued .....


Mosstrooper said...

Things are hoting up !, Ilook forward to the next exciting episode.

Scheck said...

Ziegenfeld is a lovely place to see... Great pictures of your battle scenes; I love to see the Prince August figures. My compliments also for your houses.