18th Century Wargaming - the ongoing saga of the conflicts between Wittenberg and neighbouring countries..
Friday, 20 March 2009
Militia Skirmishers or Brigands ?
A few figs which can be used either as a company of militia skirmishing or to represent a band of brigands or even smugglers.
[Figs: from left to right - Irregular Miniatures SYW Jager, Converted Blue Moon Civilian, 4 Blue Moon Civilians 'out of the box'] [Note: picture updated 21/3/2009, original one was a bit fuzzy]
Skirmishing militia or brigands? In case of guerilla -against a foreign invader or in a rebellion / civil war- they are one and the same: how you call them becomes a matter of perspective...
A blog documenting the encounters between the armies of the imaginary nations of the Kingdom of Wittenberg and its neighbours (including the Kingdom of Monrovia and their allies). My inspiration being drawn from 'Charge or How to Play Wargames' by Young & Lawford and 'The Wargame' by Charles Grant.
I have a number of other period interests for wargaming (from ancients to WW2), these have their own blogs, see below.
Skirmishing militia or brigands? In case of guerilla -against a foreign invader or in a rebellion / civil war- they are one and the same: how you call them becomes a matter of perspective...
I beg to differ, Jean-Louis! The Soweiter Militia are patriots (the Batrachians might see things a bit differently...)! ;-)
Why, the lad second from the right is a mere boy! He can't hardly be much past his first decade...
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