a summary of the scenario I used for the raid on Konigsweldt ...
Wittenberg has been fighting an intermittent border war for a few years with Saxe-Jarlsberg, their allies Hesse-Limburger are assembling reinforcements to move up-river. An attack on their camp has been planned - their supplies must be destroyed and as many casulaties inflicted on their troops as possible.
1 battalion Fusiliers (at A)
1 battalion Musketeers (at B)
1/2 Grenadier Battalion (at C)
1 company Jagers (at A)
Artillery: 5 cannons, (as shown on map above)
Briefing: Your forces are assembling in camp awaiting transport up-river. A large stockpile of supplies has been stored there as well. In the event of an attack it is your duty to ensure that the supplies are not destroyed. It is early in the morning and your troops are dispersed in their tents etc; sentries and look outs are posted.
2 Grenadier battalions
1 battalion Musketeers
2 company Jagers
detachment of Engineers
'Lugger' armed with 4 cannons, plus an assortment of transport boats and barges.
Briefing: Your must land your forces and disperse the defenders and destroy the supply stockpile. After destroying the supplies you must re-embark your force and return to base. Your flotilla enters at start position X; you may have one third of your force deployed further down the river.
Victory Conditions
Attackers win if they: destroy more than 60% of the stores and inflict more than 25% casualties on the defenders and lose no more than 50% casualties.
It takes one full move to set charges, on the next move the effect of blowing the charges can be assessed - damage to supplies is assessed using percentage dice.
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Saturday, 27 October 2012
Raid on Konigsweldt
Continued from the previous post ....
An alert sentry spots something on the river and raises the alarm; the troops are roused and start to assemble...
The Wittenberg flotilla commander's ship - lugger Caroline - opens fire on the gun battery .....The Wittenberg grenadiers start their landing as Caroline exchanges fire with the gun battery
Meanwhile on the other side of the bend in the river the Wittenberg river marines and jagers are about to land ....
Hesse-Limberger troops move towards the grenadiers landing point; Caroline continues its dual with the gun battery ...
The grenadiers are forming up ready to move inland ...
Meanwhile the river marines and jagers start their attack; the jagers target the gun crew ...
Hesse-Limburger infantry and the Wittenberg grenadiers exchange fire, the grenadiers are taking heavy casualties....
The jagers are through and making a nuisance of themselves as the river marines move up; Caroline fires her guns to cover their advance ....
Captain Scharfe, commanding the jager detachment has a go at blowing up the supplies
with only one chance to succeed, boom !!!! (what a dice throw for damage 91%)
The commander of the Wittenberg force on the Caroline enjoys the view, as the jagers attack the defending Hesse-Limburger troops from behind....
At the gun battery the Wittenberg engineers prepare an explosive charge ....
The second battalion of grenadiers has moved up to support ..... prepare to fire ...
A decimating volley and the remaining Hesse-Limburger troops fall back
The engineer's charge goes off and destroys part of the gun battery, the grenadiers move back to their boats; the Hesse-Limburger troops refuse to advance .. The river marines and jagers start to move back to their boats ...
The Wittenberg forces successfully re-embark and move back up the river. The Hesse-Limburger camp is in disarray...the bulk of the supplies has been destroyed.
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
On the way to Konigsweldt ....
The war in the south continues .....Wittenberg decides to strike Saxe-Jarlsberg's ally Hesse-Limburger, the target Konigsweldt - their aim to destroy supply stockpiles and do as much damge as possible to troops assembling to move up river.
A Wittenberg force of grenadiers and river marines are on their way down the river, and are nearly in position....
The river marines and some jagers have move ahead of the main force downstream ...Their target the Hesse-Limburger camp and supply store at Konigsweldt ....
more to follow .....
Monday, 22 October 2012
Somethings afoot on the River Oudear ....
A small flotilla of little ships and barges loaded with Wittenberg troops is on it way down the river Oudear; the flotilla commander checks his position ....
they are making good progress and should be in position soon .......
Sunday, 21 October 2012
40mm: Vignette - Having a rest ...
A small vignette to add to a camp scene - two muleteers having a chat while their mules are having a nibble and a snooze.
Muleteers are Creartec castings with Sash&Sabre heads, the mules are a resin casting and an old toy.
Muleteers are Creartec castings with Sash&Sabre heads, the mules are a resin casting and an old toy.
Thursday, 11 October 2012
Kings Hussar Squadron
Kings Hussars out for a stroll,
Front Rank prussian hussars painted with auniform in the style of the Saxon Frei-Husaren von Schill.
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